When it comes
by Ahijit Nag
Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it. In the dead of the night, a slow stream of water started entering the houses and submerged the whole of Kishanganj by the coming morning.
Curated by Rupam Dey
The moon was still in the middle of the sky, with a few people awake guarding the silence of the night. It was monsoon with half of the drains overfilled with water and the stuck bottles. Around the strike of midnight, the road was full of puddles but it was a regular behavior during the peak of monsoon. In the dead of the night, a slow stream of water started entering the houses and submerged the whole of Kishanganj by the coming morning. Kishanganj is a district in Bihar, India. The year 2018 saw a flash flood in the region due to heavy rainfall in the Himalayan region of Nepal. The flood gates were opened and the people said it happened without any prior information. As the water levels started to rise slowly it was plain chaos in the life of the people and their livestocks. The people moved to higher ground and a few took shelters under the roof awaiting the water levels to go down. Human lives weren’t lost in this flood but a lot of animals had lost their lives. The ordeal lasted for a week during which many losses of the property were calculated and it took months for the complete recovery from the disaster.

Ahijit Nag
Ahijit is a photographer by passion and dental surgeon by profession, from a small city of West Bengal, India. The love with a camera happened while he was studying for his dental degree.
After finishing his degree course he came back home and when he saw Raghu Rai’s Kolkata in a bookshop, it changed his whole life. Since then the camera has been an extension of himself. Ahijit shoots anything and everything but his centre of focus has always been people and environment.